We’re sending this special email to invite you to an informational & educational Zoom Call that will share an ‘overview’ on Avini Health TODAY (Wednesday Jan. 17th) AT 10:AM!

This call will talk about the Biochemist who is behind the AVINI HEALTH products Dr. Rik Deitsch, who he is and why he started AVINI HEALTH. You will see our AVINI HEALTH website, our core products and how best to use them. Where to find Testimonials. The Science behind Rik’s discoveries. And options for ordering AVINI products.

This call is Only 30 minutes - come join us!


Wed. Jan. 17th, 10:00 AM PST ZOOM Meeting ID: 716 1529 7658 Passcode: 0t4XNR

This call will NOT be a Q&A call, but you can reach out to the person who is inviting you to this call: Laura Dykstra by email [email protected] for questions or additional information.

Cell Defender is the only micronized and activated zeolite colloidal suspension in the world. It is the original colloidal clinoptilolite zeolite product and is supported by over a dozen clinical studies - including trials published in peer-reviewed journals. The zeolite is like a tiny, negatively-charged cage that pulls in a variety of toxic substances in the body and forces their excretion. This includes heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc...) as well as volatile organic compounds (benzene, dioxin, etc..). This process results in a healthier environment throughout the body as a cleaner and healthier body fixes itself. Cell Defender has been clinically proven to: Help remove heavy metals, toxins, and other substances from the body; Support a healthy immune system; and Help balance pH levels in the body. Cell Defender is 100 percent natural and non-toxic - and safe for long-term use.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

The main science-driven products we carry. Cell Defender, Plus Fiber, Zmunity Mushrooms, Nano Silver


or to participate.